Gaming Platforms for Modern Games

rootCORP Games is the Gaming Platform of the future, built to be secure, fast, fun, and versatile

Fast & functional Gaming Platform

Discover features that make our products special

Lightning Speed

We cover everything from deployment to hosting to load balancing and back again. Write your games and we got the rest

Lightning Speed

We cover everything from deployment to hosting to load balancing and back again. Write your games and we got the rest

Worldwide Zoning

We have hosting zones around the globe, so rest assured your clients will get the best experience no matter where they are

Worldwide Zoning

We have hosting zones around the globe, so rest assured your clients will get the best experience no matter where they are

Privacy & Security

We have an in house cross-platform anticheat solution that you can rest assured will keep your game and your gamers safe. As well as being SOC2 Compliant, we are industry leading in security

Privacy & Security

We have an in house cross-platform anticheat solution that you can rest assured will keep your game and your gamers safe. As well as being SOC2 Compliant, we are industry leading in security

Smart Optimizations

We believe that a happy loyal customer is better than many unhappy non-loyal customers, so we will always optimize, notify and stop your instances when we notice they are billing you above average, so that you are never hit with a surprise bill

Smart Optimizations

We believe that a happy loyal customer is better than many unhappy non-loyal customers, so we will always optimize, notify and stop your instances when we notice they are billing you above average, so that you are never hit with a surprise bill

Integrations Hub

Are you not happy with the Autistic Forge hosting? is there a platform where you were hosting data you need time to migrate from? We got you with our integations hub

Integrations Hub

Are you not happy with the Autistic Forge hosting? is there a platform where you were hosting data you need time to migrate from? We got you with our integations hub

Customizable Setups

We provide both a hosted backend and a 'bring your own backend' option, we also offer you the option to use your own cdn, among many other things. Rest assured there will never be any vendor lock-in

Customizable Setups

We provide both a hosted backend and a 'bring your own backend' option, we also offer you the option to use your own cdn, among many other things. Rest assured there will never be any vendor lock-in

Built for Speed

Discover features that make our products special

Real-time Updates and Rollouts

Automatic Issue Alerts

Stable As Debian

Built on Modern Tecnology

Real-Time Updates and Rollouts

Ever regretted making a deployment and need to rollout a rollback, or have an update you need delivered live, without restarting the entire infra? We got you, our Real-Time feature allows you to make sure that you game is up for the absolute max amount of time

Real-time Updates and Rollouts

Automatic Issue Alerts

Stable As Debian

Built on Modern Tecnology

Real-Time Updates and Rollouts

Ever regretted making a deployment and need to rollout a rollback, or have an update you need delivered live, without restarting the entire infra? We got you, our Real-Time feature allows you to make sure that you game is up for the absolute max amount of time

Manage everything in a breeze

rootCORP Games is the first of its class, helping you with your game from start to finish

Lightning Speed

We use the power of multible CDNs, Caching, and hosting local to the clients to ensure that you game is always as fast as the first time they played it

Lightning Speed

We use the power of multible CDNs, Caching, and hosting local to the clients to ensure that you game is always as fast as the first time they played it

Worldwide Zoning

We have zones around the world that not only allow your game to be faster, but allow you to be complient with laws and regulations no matter where your game is loved and played

Worldwide Zoning

We have zones around the world that not only allow your game to be faster, but allow you to be complient with laws and regulations no matter where your game is loved and played

Integrations Hub

Why fight about where your game is played when you can integrate you game with other platforms with the click of a button? We handle all merchant of record sales and negotiations on other platforms leaving you to make games that make your gamers happy

Integrations Hub

Why fight about where your game is played when you can integrate you game with other platforms with the click of a button? We handle all merchant of record sales and negotiations on other platforms leaving you to make games that make your gamers happy

3rd Party Auditinge

We value your security, as well as anyone who uses our services. We are dedicated to having regular 3rd party audits of our systems to make sure that they are always as secure as they have to be to keep you safe

3rd Party Auditinge

We value your security, as well as anyone who uses our services. We are dedicated to having regular 3rd party audits of our systems to make sure that they are always as secure as they have to be to keep you safe

Auto-schedule with rootASSIST

rootASSIST is your next gen assistant, trained on your infra, and ready to help you with what you need. Use it to schedule maintenance, deployments and more

Conflict resolution

When conflicts arise, rootASSIST will notify you and automatically work to find a way to resolve any issues

Conflict resolution

When conflicts arise, rootASSIST will notify you and automatically work to find a way to resolve any issues

Scheduling Rules

Define your own scheduling rules and preferences for rootASSIST to use when helping you plan your work

Scheduling Rules

Define your own scheduling rules and preferences for rootASSIST to use when helping you plan your work

Manage tasks

With our built in calendar, you will be able to visually see what is happening when. From our system maintenance to your system maintence, to known downtimes of 3rd party plugins, and more. We are here to make sure you are aware of what is going on in your world

Priority adjustment

Easily adjust the priority of tasks within your calendar

Priority adjustment

Easily adjust the priority of tasks within your calendar

Real-time updates

Track the status of your tasks directly from your calendar

Real-time updates

Track the status of your tasks directly from your calendar

Stay on top of what's important

Instead of worrying about contracts, timing, and uptime, worry about what is important, your games, and we got the rest

Prioritize tasks

Pick and choose the tasks that happen next to make sure that they work best with your workflows, and we will handle the rest

Set recurring events

Cron Jobs is what they were once called, then systemd timers, then failures, we just call them recurring events. Want to make sure security updates and patches are applied as soon as they come out, and reboot on sundays to make sure you are always up to date? We got you covered with a button for that.

Automatically Secure your game with the rootCORP Games Anticheat

The rootCORP Games anticheat is a cross-platform cloud-first anti-cheat solution that allows you to monitor and secure your games automatically. It uses learning algorithms to learn about your game and the natural player behavior, and automatically reports and secures you game when abnormal player behavior is detected

Identify insights

Gain insights into your usage with detailed analytics, helping you identify patterns, optimize your game, and improve usage experiences for your uses

Customize with ease

Use intuitive drag-and-drop functionality to quickly move or reorganize events, as well as a feature rich CLI and TUI making sure that no matter where you are you in complete control of your infra

Latest articles from our blog

We now host our blog on an external OSS and Tech News site, click below to visit it and learn more



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